Welcome back to the first episode of Life & Business In Flow for 2022. We’ve all had a break and a rest and are ready to hit the ground running.
…Or are we? I know that for myself, I took a break to reset and still don’t feel all that rested, let alone feeling as planned as I’d like to be and energised and ready for another year!
If you’re feeling a bit like this, I want you to know you’re not alone. There’s still so much going on in our world and it’s ok to feel like maybe you aren’t quite ready for the year to get started. Take that pressure off yourself.
As always, that’s easier said than done. In this first episode for the year, I want to lead by example and share my transition from 2021 to 2022, the things that did and didn’t get done, how to prioritise your to-do list in a way that’s constructive *and* kind to yourself – and why it’s totally ok to not have it all figured out.
It does get to be easier but it takes commitment. Let's go behind the gloss, and the hustle culture that we see online, and get real about what it takes to create and run a sustainable business and life.