If I tell you to “create space” – what comes up for you? For a lot of people, it’s fear, it’s overwhelming, it’s the feeling that there simply isn’t space to slow down or step away. And yet, stepping away is where the magic happens.
There’s this idea that business needs to be a hustle, and that just isn’t true. By creating time and space in my life and business, I’ve been able to grow, reflect, and truly understand how I’m meant to show up in the world.
Now, I want to share that lesson with you. I want to show you that there’s a different way to do business and that by slowing down, you’ll find those beautiful moments of growth, gratitude, and magic.
It does get to be easier but it takes commitment. Let's go behind the gloss, and the hustle culture that we see online, and get real about what it takes to create and run a sustainable business and life.