Today, I want to talk about a fear that’s been around for a lifetime and is shared by so many women. It’s a fear centered around one word – “No”.
Saying “no” can be a struggle. It means putting up boundaries, having clarity in your business, and trusting that people see the value in what you do. It’s believing in the relationships you’ve formed and knowing that the way your business is structured will allow income to flow.
It’s so much easier to fall into a pattern of saying “yes” to everything and everyone. And whilst that may feel good for a while, it’s just not sustainable.
Today, let’s take the fear out of saying “no” and instead, open our eyes to how much power it holds and the transformations it can make both in you and your business.
It does get to be easier but it takes commitment. Let's go behind the gloss, and the hustle culture that we see online, and get real about what it takes to create and run a sustainable business and life.