Not only that, as we gear up to hit October, it can feel like the time has totally evaporated – whether that’s just this year or seemingly every year.
As a result, this last part of the year can feel like the hardest. We’re busy, we’re tired, and we just want to get to that end-of-the-year finish line.
Today, I challenge you to think about it differently.
This is the time of year when instead of feeling like I have to charge ahead, I take a break and RE-charge instead. I allow myself to wind down and recover before I power back up and start planning for this last quarter and beyond.
Create that space and put yourself first, and you won’t just hit the end of the year strong – you’ll feel ready for the next one too.
It does get to be easier but it takes commitment. Let's go behind the gloss, and the hustle culture that we see online, and get real about what it takes to create and run a sustainable business and life.