
Kate Addamo is the Mentor to Creatives and your biggest supporter. 





An immersive online group experience for women who are ready to grow and learn as leaders. It's time to say goodbye to comparison and imposter syndrome. 

It's time to work on the first foundation of business, you

Find Your Flow

We can have the best brand, our finances in order, a great team and good process but if we're
not personally okay, business will always feel hard. 

I spent most of my career just "pushing through", neglecting my health and completely operating in my masculine. I was drinking more than I should have, and it left me burnt out, unwell, resentful and disconnected from myself. That was the version of me that didn't know better and followed society's expectations. She was broken and ready to walk away from it all.

In 2017 when I started my business, I decided it was time to do it differently; I was done! I got really clear on what I wanted life and business to look like. I set up strong boundaries, put foundations in place, worked on my health and so much more. I have completely changed my life and business and feel more content and at peace than ever.

It breaks my heart to still see so many women operating the way I used to. Always rushing, pushing, comparing, second guessing and having nothing left to give. I so deeply want to show you another way and to see you step in to the leader your business needs you to be.

I knew years ago there was a deeper purpose for me, but it's only been this past year or so that that has really unfolded for me, and I'm ready to share it with you now.

If you know me, you know how passionate I am about setting up solid foundations in business. The first, most important foundation, is you.


We have been sold a lie. We have been taught to hustle, to be productive and to just get on with it, no matter the cost to our health or happiness. It's not working; I have seen it first-hand in my own life, my mother's, clients' and women I meet.

Most of what we are being taught and sold is to do more, be more, to consume and to compare. It's leaving you lost, disconnected, overwhelmed and feeling like you're not enough. That's not how you deserve to live your life or run your business.

It's not working,
and it's not your fault. 

The journey back to you can be layered and takes time, but the sooner you start, the sooner you’ll be home.

It's time to become the confident business woman you have always wanted to be!

Find Your Flow is where that all starts; it's the beginning of you choosing to live your life on your terms. It's not a quick fix, magic pill type experience—they don't exist.

Over the next few months, we'll start your journey back to health, happiness, confidence and clarity. The tools and resources you'll be shown will continue to support you in years to come and create a ripple that will impact how you show up for yourself, at home and in your career or business.

Kate Addamo

“A woman with a clear vision, strong boundaries and solid foundations is a woman at peace.”

Are you ready to start shifting from chaos to calm? To feel more confident in your decisions and compare your business less to others. Everything starts to change when we are confident and know who we are. 

I want to help you start to shift from resistance to ease and give you the tools to go on your journey of finding what feels right for you. We are all unique in our experiences, desires and goals, and I want to help you build the trust to bring your vision to life.

I've been there too. And yes, change is hard, but it's worth it! I had to live it to be able to create this for you. I can see the issues society has created, the unhappiness, disconnect and exhaustion in women, and I'm here to help change that.

Nothing changes if nothing changes. Could you imagine still being in the same place at the end of this year? Overwhelmed, rushed, no time for you, numbing your body and comparing yourself to everyone else? I don't want that for you, and I know you don't either!

You feel disconnected from your body, your nervous system has been pushed to it's edges and you're tired.


You're tired of feeling busy, that life's moving too fast, and feeling like you can never keep up. You deeply want to feel peace in your life. 

Overwhelmed by Life's Demands

Feeling lost and you know something is off but you can't work out what? You've lost your mojo and you don't know how to get it back.

Feeling Stuck in a Rut

Can you relate?

Simply put, Kate is a woman looking out for other women. Her dedication to helping women flourish is underpinned by a focus on health and wellbeing, driven by her own experience with health challenges and losing her Mum to breast cancer in 2023. These challenges have fuelled her journey to educate women on living and working differently to support their physical and mental health. As a Generator 5/1 in Human Design, this is what she was born to do. Kate truly wants to make an impact in this world.

"Over the last few years, I have completely transformed our home, finances, business, the way I feel about myself and so much more. The work I have done has landed me in the most confident, content and at peace version of myself, and I want that for you."

Supporting the woman behind the brand



You're learnt to trust your gut and are more comfortable to say no when it doesn't feel aligned.

You know how to set healthy boundaries, honour your body and create a sustainable life & business.

You've started shedding the conditioning and old stories that have been weighing you down.

Imagine a business where...


You have the confidence in yourself to make clear  decisions for you and your business.

Kate’s so authentic and genuine. I felt she came to me at a pivotal time in my life and career when I was feeling a little stuck and uncertain of my direction."

"Thank you Kate, for your support, kindness and love to allow me, to find ‘me’ again. You helped me to find ‘my balance and flow’.

Words from women i have recently supported

The biggest surprise was how much I appreciated being in the company of women who are so supportive."

"There is nothing like being open & vulnerable to likeminded women.

Words from women i have recently supported

This experience meant everything to me because I realised how different my path might have been if I hadn't faced these challenges."

"I confronted, and released suppressed wounds, doubts, and limiting beliefs that had been holding me back from growth and self-trust.

Words from women i have recently supported

Expert guest speakers, workbooks and resources to support you on your journey back to you.


Continued support between sessions through group messaging with a supportive group of like-minded women that want to better their lives.


6 immersive fortnightly live Zoom calls across March, April & May. Replays are available if you can't make the calls so you can go at your own pace.


An immersive online group experience for women who are ready to grow and learn as leaders. It's time to say good bye to comparison and imposter syndrome. Through six transformative live calls, you will begin to uncover your vision and start to put it into action.

It's time to
Find Your Flow

Everything that we cover in Find Your Flow I have personally experienced and implemented in my life. I have invested deeply and trialled so many things. This is a coming together of the tools, knowledge and resources that have proven to have the biggest impact on my business.

I cannot wait to take you on this journey, share my learnings and introduce you to a few of the women that have supported me in changing my life.

Together, we will dive into confidence, imposter syndrome, Human Design, women's health, nervous system support, masculine and feminine energy, low-tox living, setting up your home to support you, getting clear on your vision, your boundaries, connecting back to you and so much more. It's hard to put the impact into words; it truly has to be experienced.

A peek at the calls

YOur blueprint

An introduction to Human Design led by a beautiful teacher of mine, Hillary McVeigh from Designed As You. The teaching will have a profound impact on your life. 


Learn how to connect with your body and understand your unique rhythm, discovering the importance of our masculine and feminine energies and so much more.


It's time to get clear on your vision. The clarity this brings will change everything for you. Kicking off on March 12th.




A chance to reflect, share, embrace the growth, celebrate the wins and move forward with confidence. It's your turn to implement the learnings and watch your life start to change.


Our home and the way we live has a huge impact on our health and nervous system. Together lets make a plan to create a healthier, calmer home.


My beautiful friend and Naturopath, Taylah Teschner will guide you through a Women's Health workshop.

This is me

This work is incredibly supportive for women that... 

  • Have lost their mojo and are stuck in a rut.

  • Always feel like they're saying yes, working nights, lacking confidence and don't have strong boundaries in place and struggle to say no. 

  • Feel anxious, not enough and want a calmer nervous system, a healthier body and to be more connected to themselves. 

  • Are in the trenches and have lost yourself and your joy. 

  • Are ready to be the happiest, healthiest, and most confident version of you!

You may think that you’ve got it all sorted, and things are going great, but without having the tools to do the hard work on yourself, business life can easily sway you off course. This work will steer you towards understanding yourself and what lights your fire."

"Without a doubt Kate’s teachings are life changing.

Words from women i have recently supported

I’m excited to focus on my health internally and externally. This means that I now have clear intention to make healthy choices on a day to day basis for myself and my family."

"Everything I’ve learnt has impacted me profoundly.

Words from women i have recently supported

And limiting beliefs, feeling stuck and unsure of myself. I’d likely be held back from reaching my potential, still searching for clarity and confidence."

"If I hadn't done this work, I think I would still be carrying the weight of old wounds.

Words from women i have recently supported

I know change might feel hard, but what would feel harder is staying exactly where you are, doing what you always do, replaying the same stories and being in the same place in five years' time. That would be the greatest disservice you could ever do to yourself.

If not now, then when, and how? This is your opportunity to learn, grow and start to create the life and business you desire.


The Investment

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Join the waitlist for the next intake in June 2025.


Join the waitlist for the next intake in June 2025.

Pay in full and save

Autumn intake is SOLD OUT. Join the waitlist to secure your spot for the next intake.

Find your flows runs across Autumn - it's a beautiful time of introspection for women.


It's time to find your flow.

Autumn intake sold out