
Kate Addamo is the Mentor to Creatives and your biggest supporter. 





It does get to be easier but it takes commitment. Let's go behind the gloss, and the hustle culture that we see online, and get real about what it takes to create and run a sustainable business and life.

The Podcast

Life and Business in Flow

I’ve never been about how “they” say it should be done, in fact, I often do the opposite. My business has always been heart and intuition-led. If you’re ready to have your Life and Business in flow, make more money, create a brand that attracts your ideal client, be super clear on the backend and finances then click subscribe to make sure you never miss an episode.

This podcast was created to share my story, challenges and wins in life and business. It’s un-sugar coated, authentic and from the heart. It’s the truth behind running a sustainable business and how to make that your reality. I’ve seen firsthand just how many women are feeling tired, overwhelmed, and have even lost themselves a little in the process of running their business and I want to change that.


I’m a country girl, that loves the simple things in life. Sustainability is at the heart of what I do. My approach to mentoring is intuitive, strategic and looks at the whole picture; work and life holistically. My goal is to teach women how to plan, put themselves first, implement solid foundations in their business and work to the season of their life they are in; this is not only my passion, but my purpose. Improving women’s lives and creating stronger small businesses truly lights me up!

Why mentor creatives and service-based businesses? Because I’m a fellow creative myself with a background in interior styling. As right brained as I am, I also love spreadsheets, data, numbers and strategising in business. It’s not all about buzz words and scaling. It’s about running your business in an authentic way and coming from an empowered place of clarity. I love small business and delving into the strategy to help my clients create something sustainable.


Meet your host

70 4 Things That Are Affecting Your Income
69. What are your business obstacles (and how to overcome them)
68. A Refreshing Take On Marketing with Amy Edwards from Markedly

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